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Underwater Simulation 2


Badge Awards


This is the second underwater simulation I create in photoshop CS3. It was created from scratch.

Stock Rules:

*Credit me if possible and link back to my DA page.

*Link me back to your work, I'd like to see what you did with it. :)

*You can use it outside of DA, you don't have to ask for permission.

*You can use it on DA prints, you don't have to ask.

*Do NOT use my stock for anything inappropriate(sexual, hateful towards any group, racist, ect.)

*Don't just add a color filter, be creative

*Contact me for commercial use. No redistribution of my stock. Please don't claim it as your own.

Download for full-size image.
Image size
2538x3420px 461.3 KB
© 2009 - 2024 WingsOfAHero
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Bnspyrd's avatar

This has been featured in my STOCK resources journal:

Re-awakening the Resources of dA February Edition :heart: